If your team is working with Kubernetes or (micro) service-based architectures, they have probably heard the term service mesh. This is because a service-based architecture has its own set of challenges, which a service mesh can help solve. In this training module, we will introduce your team to the features, with practical hands-on exercises, of the most popular service mesh today: Istio. You will also get familiar with Kiali to observe mesh traffic and Jaeger for distributed tracing in a mesh.
Basic Kubernetes understanding (similar to what you get with our Kubernetes fundamentals training module):- Deployments
- Pods
- Services
After completing this training module, your team will be able to:
- Understand what a service mesh is and why you would want to use one
- Identify Istio’s main components in the control and data planes
- Route traffic with virtual services and destination rules
- Leverage Istio to do Blue/Green, Canary and Shadow deployments
- Understand Istio Ingress/Egress gateway controllers
- Route inbound/outbound traffic through Ingress/Egress gateways
- Route traffic to external services
- Secure communication between your services with mTLS
- Control service-to-service access with Istio
- Understand the telemetry Istio provides
- Visualize traffic in a mesh with Kiali and Jaeger.

One day

Mix of theory and hands-on exercises

Developers, architects, site reliability engineers (SRE), DevOps practitioners
Empower your entire team with new skills
Contact us to plan this training just for your team.
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