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    Cloud native training

    Introduction to the Istio service mesh, Kiali and Jaeger

    Leverage the Istio service mesh’s traffic management, telemetry, and security features for your team's complex deployments


    If your team is working with Kubernetes or (micro) service-based architectures, they have probably heard the term service mesh. This is because a service-based architecture has its own set of challenges, which a service mesh can help solve. In this training module, we will introduce your team to the features, with practical hands-on exercises, of the most popular service mesh today: Istio. You will also get familiar with Kiali to observe mesh traffic and Jaeger for distributed tracing in a mesh.


    Basic Kubernetes understanding (similar to what you get with our Kubernetes fundamentals training module):
    • Deployments
    • Pods
    • Services

    After completing this training module, your team will be able to:

    • Understand what a service mesh is and why you would want to use one
    • Identify Istio’s main components in the control and data planes
    • Route traffic with virtual services and destination rules
    • Leverage Istio to do Blue/Green, Canary and Shadow deployments
    • Understand Istio Ingress/Egress gateway controllers
    • Route inbound/outbound traffic through Ingress/Egress gateways
    • Route traffic to external services
    • Secure communication between your services with mTLS
    • Control service-to-service access with Istio
    • Understand the telemetry Istio provides
    • Visualize traffic in a mesh with Kiali and Jaeger.


    One day


    Mix of theory and hands-on exercises


    Developers, architects, site reliability engineers (SRE), DevOps practitioners

    Empower your entire team with new skills

    Contact us to plan this training just for your team.