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Eficode blog

If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1
Image describing a hacker

There’s no jokes with security

Security as we knew no longer exists. What does it mean and what can I do?

Five-Four-Three-Two-1… And we’re LIVE!

This is about 0-day delivery capability with a design to delight.

The Many Tools for Developing Mobile Apps

As the mobile platforms have matured so have the tools used to develop for them. ...

Testing with Swedish Personal Numbers

Fictitious people that might get real - and sue you!

Kubernetes on Windows

A verdict on adding Windows minions to Kubernetes clusters in AWS

Retrospektiivi on elintärkeä tuotekehitystiimeille – muille riittääkin kehityspäivä kerran vuodessa?

Ketterät tuotekehitystiimit pitävät tyypillisesti pari kertaa kuussa retrospekti ...


From Scrum Master to Show Master

Eficode's Alexander describes how the trust and responsibility without bureaucra ...

Survival of the Fittest

Evolution in the CI ecosystem

Picture from the panel on the stage at CoDe Conf 2017

DevOps is here to stay

Reactions to the 2017 CoDe and DevOps conference in CPH