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Building a cancer treatment training system: the problem
You may wonder, wasn’t I reading a software company blog? Just… Bear us for a se ...

Devops Automation Using Docker, Kubernetes and Openshift
This blog goes back in time to DEVOPS 2016 and to the Devops Automation using fo ...

Robot Framework: Past, Present and Future
The story of Robot Framework: What happened in the early days, what’s the curren ...

Eficode perustaa toimiston Tampereelle - uusien palkattujen joukossa useita ex-Microsoftlaisia ja Nokialaisia
Eficode perustaa toimiston Tampereelle - uusien palkattujen joukossa useita ex-M ...

The fight for digital identity
In early 2016, the EU agreed on two legislative projects that will considerably ...

Git autostash
Investigating the new git autostash feature and how to use it to allow pulling n ...

The mass cognitive revolution disrupting software
The mass cognitive revolution disrupting software

Container orchestration with Docker Datacenter
It is time to have a little recap from the DEVOPS 2016 keynote Markus Suonto and ...
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