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Is Apache Groovy or YAML better for pipelines?
People who write continuous delivery pipelines are generally divided into two ca ...
Triggering Jenkins pipelines on Artifactory events
A super easy configuration guide to triggering Jenkins pipelines on Artifactory ...
Testing Kubernetes Deployments within CI Pipelines
Low overhead, on-demand Kubernetes clusters deployed on CI Workers Nodes with KI ...
From Monolithic to Modular
How to safely introduce modular architecture to legacy software
How to transfer Robot Framework results from Jenkins to Grafana
This tutorial will show you how to move your test results from Robot Framework t ...
A first impression of GitHub Actions CI/CD
GitHub Actions is a tool within GitHub that enables continuous integration and a ...
Get started with Serverless Jenkins X
A crash course in Jenkins X and how to test it out on a local Kubernetes cluster
Turning an example by Martin Fowler into a Refactoring Kata
Writing tests for ‘Theatrical Players’ - When I read Fowler’s new ‘Refactoring’ ...
Zero-day delivery: the next frontier of DevOps?
Zero-day delivery changes the way you perceive the first steps of a new idea, or ...
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