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Eficode blog

If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1
Continuous delivery academy class of 2017

CoDe Academy 2017 edition

A modern software bootcamp for graduates

Automating GUI tasks with Sikuli and Jenkins

GUIs have always killed automation. We’re giving automation a fighting chance.

Land of confusion

Getting control of your development environment

Jenkins multibranch pipeline and pretested integration

The pros and cons of implementing Jenkins pipelines

Why should I learn Git? I'm just a Software Developer

The tale of sharpening your knife skills

Jenkins, Big Data and data driven development

Improve delivery of data driven projects from development all the way to product ...

students in the classroom learning Git

Making our future job easier by teaching the youth

Making our future job easier by teaching the youth

Code and test ownership, why do you need it?

Consultant Kirsi Jeromaa, freshly started at the beginning of August in Eficode' ...

Tietoturvatestaus Jenkinsin päällä

Tietoturvatestaus Jenkinsin päällä