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Eficode blog

If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1

How to provision Jenkins Windows build slaves using Packer and Terraform

An immutable infrastructure approach

Atlassian high availability as code

Containerized Data Center on Kubernetes

Deploying Jenkins on Kubernetes

A setup for working with Windows build slaves

Kubernetes on Windows

A verdict on adding Windows minions to Kubernetes clusters in AWS

Entrance of a vault

Manage your secrets with HashiCorp Vault

How to run HashiCorp Vault in production

Introducing OctoCop - a Director for Docker

Stop bothering your IT administrators each time you want to launch a new service

The Network Multitool image

Scratching the container networking itch

Proxying Kubernetes services with Traefik

A peek into the new world of service discovery

Selenium & Docker - Match made in heaven

Selenium, browser and test library version incompatibility issues can be quite t ...