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If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this

Blog Illustration – If I were a CTO, I’d approach platform engineering like this (1)-2-1-1

What online shops can teach you about backlog management

Great online shops need to serve their customers well to survive. These online s ...

What does a Product Owner really own (and do)?

The Product Owner is an important role in Agile. Learn what they are responsible ...

Avoid conflict and confusion: Create a responsibility map

Make it crystal clear in your product organization who does what. Easily make a ...

How to avoid the terrible question “Shall we release (Yes/No)?”

Asking yes-or-no questions never give you real answers. Avoid making bad decisio ...

Solving the 7 most common Kanban mistakes that ruin your development

The freedom you get by working in Kanban often leads to chaos and inefficiencies ...

5 situations where your product managers need further training

How do you know your product manager has the right skills for where you are righ ...

Passing of batons like in relay race

Who owns your test automation over time?

A quick look at who owns your test automation during production and maintenance, ...

How to avoid clogging up your Kanban with too much Work in Progress

If you have too many work items at any stage of your Kanban board, that can have ...

A quick start guide to acceptance criteria for user stories

Without acceptance criteria, your user stories become become vague and hard to u ...