“A customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it's black.”

Henry Ford is often quoted as commenting on the available Model T colors, but there is no historical evidence of this. What is known, however, is that his early refusal to adapt to the different needs of customers and users left him behind his competitors.

Ford was both customer and user-conscious. He understood that customers wanted affordable cars that were reliable, and so created methods to deliver just that. However, as is often the case, consumers began to expect more; they didn’t just want something that was practical. Much like with fashion, they wanted to express themselves through their cars, showcasing their personal tastes.

We don’t often work with cars at Eficode, but we do have a lot of experience working with customers and users. This blog post will help you understand the difference for better product development.

Fun fact: The first Model T cars were indeed black; it wasn't until production ramped up that more colors became available.

Key roles: Customers, users, and developers

In a product development context, understanding the distinction between customers and users makes all the difference in creating lasting products that continue to sell.

Typically, customers are those who make purchasing decisions and pay for a service or product. However, this doesn’t mean that they are the users.

In the case of digital products, such as software, the developers themselves might be the users. If that's the case, they mustn't lose sight of the value their product provides outside of development; just as they have specific outcomes they wish to achieve, so do customers and users.

Two sides of the same coin

Revisiting our car analogy, the decision to buy is generally made by the customer and can be based purely on appearance, which is often influenced by factors like trends, personal taste, availability, or other non-use-related criteria.

In marketing studies, the color of a product is often mentioned as an important part of the buyer’s decision. Of course, this can't be applied to everyone as that would be generalizing; there are people out there seeking a specific shade of blue and people claiming not to be influenced by aesthetics at all—without our differences, we wouldn't be human!

Satisfaction is also mentioned but in definitions of usability. When looking at aspects considered important such as color, what would it mean to “use” the color of a car? Take black cars, for example; are they better to drive from a practical standpoint, or is it more so that they are aesthetically pleasing? Black cars tend to get hotter on sunny days, which may be more pleasant in winter, but potentially fatal in summer...

Although this particular observation is scientific, it is generally well-known and was likely spread through word-of-mouth, which is an example of how (un)conscious associations are made.

Other forms of unconscious associations that influence purchasing decisions, otherwise known as “customer behavior,” come from positive and negative experiences. For example, someone who has had a good experience of using a product of a specific shade of green may be more inclined to purchase another item of the same tone.

Be strategic when designing for decision-makers and end users alike

Henry Ford worked hard to understand what the customer wanted. In his vocabulary, the customer and user were more or less interchangeable, which made sense given the times, not to mention he worked in a B2C (business-to-consumer) environment. In a B2B (business-to-business) setting, the roles of the customer and user are often divided.

When talking about software development and, in particular, complex IT systems, it is pointless to evaluate quality from a single viewpoint. More insight can be obtained by looking at needs on the whole and then analyzing how to meet them.

Let's dive deeper into this point with an example of the use of shipping and logistics management software.

Customer perspective: Usually a logistics manager or an executive within the business. They decide to invest in shipping and logistics management software to optimize work, reduce costs, and improve visibility. Their primary motivation is to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of shipping operations. They will prioritize features like route optimization, cost tracking, real-time shipment tracking, and, of course, the price of purchase and use.

End-user perspective: This includes warehouse workers, drivers, or logistics coordinators. As they often juggle several roles (not visible to decision-makers), a more straightforward and intuitive tool will likely score higher. They will seek features that mitigate errors and help with tasks such as barcode scanning, label printing, and order management. The purchase price is not at all relevant to them.

Developer perspective: The individual(s) who code the product. They want to create a solution that not only satisfies users but meets the overarching needs of stakeholders who have the final say over how money is spent.

The point? Evaluating systems from multiple viewpoints leads to better outcomes for everyone.

So, what is the difference?

Now that we’ve come full circle, it’s time to summarize the main question. As you’ve hopefully gathered by now, customers are the ones to state the need to buy a solution and make the purchase; users are the ones who perform tasks with said solution.

Customers tend to focus on factors like cost savings, features, and strategic benefits. Users, on the other hand, prioritize efficiency and usability, i.e., how the product will contribute to their daily tasks.

The takeaway? By thoughtfully balancing the needs of the two, you can create something that meets business objectives and simplifies tasks, satisfying both customers and users alike.

Published: Sep 17, 2024

Software developmentDesign and UX