Following a successful cloud migration project in 2024, Dirac now benefits from a leaner, more secure, and efficient cloud-based system. It aligns with their business objectives, cuts operational costs, and opens doors for future technological advancements with stronger support from leadership. Read on to learn more about their journey. 

The challenge: Navigating security risks and cost pressures with legacy systems

By early 2024, Dirac’s on-premise Atlassian Jira and Confluence systems faced obsolescence as Atlassian announced it would no longer support server-based products. This, alongside concerns about the current set up not following best practices, created an urgent need for Dirac to upgrade. 

“We have a fairly small IT department, so we’re always pushing for SaaS solutions to free us up from constant maintenance, updates, and security work on servers and applications. Moving to the cloud was a no-brainer for us, as it guarantees we always have the latest updates and can focus on more strategic tasks.” - Marlén Norling, Head of IT, Dirac

Why Dirac partnered with Eficode: Expertise, trust, and quality first

With only two IT staff on hand, it quickly became clear that Dirac would benefit from hiring external expert help to manage the migration. Eficode’s reputation for handling similar migrations with a hands-on, best-practices approach made them the clear choice for this critical project.

Dirac chose Eficode after comparing offers from competing firms and determining that Eficode’s depth of experience with Atlassian migrations stood out. More importantly, Eficode’s commitment to building a strong relationship, focusing on quality over speed, resonated with Dirac’s internal values.

“We wanted to avoid any hiccups and ensure the migration was done with precision. Eficode’s approach gave us peace of mind.” – Marlén Norling, Head of IT, Dirac

The solution: a clear migration plan, recommendations for optimization, and efficient project management

Dirac initiated the migration in November 2023, kicking off the project in December and completing it by March 2024— ahead of the Dirac team’s initial expectations. Eficode’s efficient project management meant that what Dirac estimated could have taken a year in-house was completed in just a few months.

Although the project went smoothly, the migration process uncovered several challenges, including poorly managed customizations and outdated security practices. Eficode helped Dirac clean up their system by eliminating unregulated and unnecessary add-ons (like an unofficial password manager that had to be absorbed into the company’s official security protocols) and aligning the setup more closely with Atlassian’s standard configurations. This not only improved security but also simplified system management moving forward. 

The results: dramatic cost savings, improved security, and enhanced efficiency

Eficode’s migration delivered tangible, measurable outcomes for Dirac, including:

  • €20,000 in annual savings: Shutting down AWS-hosted servers, optimizing licenses, and reducing costly add-ons created immediate cost reductions.
  • Enhanced security: The migration addressed critical security vulnerabilities, restoring full access to key teams, including those in China.
  • Fewer IT disruptions: Previously, Dirac’s Confluence server required frequent restarts due to excessive memory consumption. Post-migration, system reliability improved, and IT’s workload decreased as support tickets dropped significantly. 
  • Improved user experience: Before, users often had issues with access. With the modern cloud environment supporting single sign-on, the IT team has experienced a significant reduction in trivial support matters.

“The migration drastically reduced our technical issues. Now our IT team can focus on more important tasks and service requests instead of constant firefighting.”
– Marlén Norling, Head of IT, Dirac

Impact on IT budget and future technology investments

One of the most transformative results of the migration was the shift in Dirac’s approach to IT budgeting and investments. Previously, the IT team had no set budget, requiring approval for every new expenditure. Post-migration, leadership began to recognize the long-term value of strategic technology investments and their importance to future proofing the business.

“With the cloud migration showing clear improvements in cost savings, security, and operational efficiency, the company’s mindset toward IT investments changed. Now, when we propose new technology initiatives, there’s trust that we’ve done our homework and that these are wise investments.” – Marlén Norling, Head of IT, Dirac

This shift has led to a more supportive stance from leadership on future technology requests to continue optimizing its technology landscape.

Why this migration was a success: best practices, fewer customizations, and a future-proof solution

According to Marlén, following Atlassian’s best practices and reducing customizations was key to the project’s success. She kept the work group focused on business essentials and core functionality which ensured a smooth migration. 

By partnering with Eficode for their Atlassian Cloud migration, Dirac achieved more than just a technological upgrade—they set the stage for a future of innovation and growth. With streamlined operations, enhanced security, and significant cost savings, Dirac’s IT infrastructure is now a robust foundation for developing their world-class audio technology solutions. More importantly, the project fostered a cultural shift within the organization, with leadership now embracing the strategic value of IT investments. This transformation empowers Dirac to continue pushing the boundaries of digital audio technology, confident in their ability to leverage cutting-edge solutions for years to come.