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FDM servers have a stable architecture thanks to Eficode

FDM case study

The end result was that Eficode helped align the Federation of Danish Motorists' infrastructure automation processes with industry best practices, furthering their DevOps initiative.

“Eficode soon felt like an integrated part of our team. Their experience from previous clients meant we could be confident in the solutions they saw through.” - Jonas Krat, Web Developer, FDM 

What is FDM? 

FDM stands for the Federation of Danish Motorists (Forenede Danske Motorejere). The organization helps Danish car owners find the best possible solutions and benefits through partnerships and advice.

FDM’s servers were in need of more stability

FDM had already begun using DevOps-oriented technologies when they contacted Eficode for help. They had tools such as Ansible, managing their deployments and Travis CI, to support their continuous integration process. FDM also had established the goal of automating their entire infrastructure, as part of their broader DevOps initiative.

FDM wanted their servers to be easily maintainable and secure enough to withstand any changes. The organization had plans for the website, which meant the servers needed to be deployed and set up elsewhere.

Although FDM had made significant progress towards establishing an automated setup for their servers, they needed to gain more confidence in how the solutions implemented worked, given the large volume of changes anticipated.

The stability of the servers was crucial to running FDM’s many microservices.

Stability and confidence 

Eficode set up the servers in a robust manner that allowed FDM to update them in the future with ease and confidence. Thanks to the architecture underpinning their hardware infrastructure, this allowed them to achieve more with the tools they already had in place too.

Eficode made changes to the architecture, which removed thousands of lines of code. By reusing the same code base throughout the infrastructure, the servers became more stable and easier to manage. As a result, the code no longer had to be changed in many different places and the places in need of change were managed by the tools, not in someone’s memory.

The FDM team also increased their test automation skills, which allowed code to become tested with every change, leading to higher quality overall.


DevOpsIndustry and energySoftware Organization