MTK's crisp and modern new website

The new website has a modern look and a clearcut structure thanks to Eficode.
The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) is an interest organization that represents farmers, forest owners and rural entrepreneurs in Finland. The organization exists to monitor and further the interests of its members.
MTK was perfectly aware of their website's shortcomings and that there was room for improvement, which led to them launching a project to overhaul it. Particular pain points were the look and feel of the old website and its user interface: two areas that lent themselves to Eficode's help and expertise.
"One of the main purposes of our website overhaul was to highlight the additional services we provide our members. On our previous site, additional information for members was located on our member network 'Reppu,' which was a standalone website. Even a cursory glance at our pages' analytics showed us that users couldn't get to Reppu from our web pages, which left many of the useful services we provide our members without the attention they deserved. What we wanted instead was to bring the additional information members would benefit from into the foreground," explains MTK's Communications Planner Jami Lauttalammi.
Our decision was swayed by Eficode's convincing customer references
Eficode won the tender for MTK's project before the project took off. "We had some other options as we'd asked other companies to pitch to us. In the end, our decision was swayed by Eficode's convincing customer references," Lauttalammi tells of why they chose Eficode as a partner.
The wide-ranging project also made use of a company called North Patrol, whose high-level concept served as a foundation for Eficode's visual designs and user interface work.
Eficode simultaneously saw through visual designs and UI designs as one package. Key aims here consisted of simplifying the UI and refreshing the look and feel to make the pages come across more modern. Lauttalammi spoke of how mobile-first was a top priority throughout the project: "We wanted our new pages to be mobile-first. But, of course, the pages also work on a desktop."
Smooth cooperation took the project to new heights
Right out of the gates after the kick-off meeting, Eficode worked at a pace. "We got off to a quick start, to say the least! We started the process with a kick-off meeting, and already at the following meeting Eficode had the first draft for us to comment on," tells Lauttalammi.
"The first draft was quite cautious, and it leaned heavily on MTK's brand guidelines," Lauttalammi recounts about the initial phases of the project.
It didn't take long for everyone to take ownership of the project's common goals: "When we came together and threw some ideas around, it became crystal clear to everyone what direction we should take a look and feel of the website."
The project became characterized by this smooth way of working and didn't meet any obstacles along the way. Eficode and MTK were both very satisfied with the work they did together. The progress of the project and the partnership was made all the easier with a technical producer from CH5 Finland. She was able to immediately confirm during a brainstorm if an idea was practicable/ possible to implement.
Eficode's contribution to the project helped MTK to progress other elements of their website overhaul as well. "We actually found it easier to understand and comment on the overarching concept the moment we were able to see it visually. Eficode clothed our project with their visuals," Lauttalammi says, rememberig Eficode's contribution to the rest of the project
The result is crisp and refreshing, but still looks like MTK
Everything worked like a charm
All in all, MTK was pleased with the website and Eficode's contribution to the project. With regards to the goals that were set for look and feel and UI, they were reached. Lauttalammi summarizes: "Everything worked like a charm."
"The new pages are more current than the previous ones were. The previous ones were trying to be all things to all people," Lauttalammi says, comparing the previous pages to the new site. The visuals received a lot of praise in particular: "The result is crisp and refreshing, but still looks like MTK."
Take a look at MTK's new pages – what do you think?
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