More of what we love - and what our clients love
Having established ourselves as a leading supplier of solutions for product organizations in Finland since 2006, we are excited to have now begun the next step of our journey. We have joined forces with Eficode. We therefore continue doing what we love the most, with the people we love the most (our dear clients) - but we do it a lot more!
Same services as before - and many more
As Contribyte, we are known as an expert in Agile development methods. Eficode is the leading DevOps company in Europe with specialists ready to help across the continent. We complement each other. DevOps needs Agile development, and Agile development works better with DevOps. By joining these puzzle pieces, we can support you better than ever.
What this means if you were a Contribyte customer
Besides us getting a new look, new email addresses etc., existing contracts will be transferred to Eficode as they are, and you will see the same familiar people, tuned in to what you need.
But you benefit from this in many ways, such as: