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Eficode is the leading DevOps company in Europe, driving and building the future of software development across 10 countries, with 500+ experts in DevOps and sustainable software development. Our Eficode ROOT managed DevOps platform provides centralized access control and real-time visibility of project status, quality, and performance that integrates with 50+ of your preferred tools, including the Atlassian Stack and open-source systems like Jenkins and Kubernetes.

Kirjoittajalta Eficode

vaisala case image

Design and UX, Industry and energy

Tältä Vaisalan uusi Design System näyttää

case image mtk (1)

Design and UX

MTK sai raikkaat ja modernit verkkosivut

viestilehdet cover image (1)

Design and UX, Telecom and media

Viestilehdet vähensi uuden konseptin liiketoimintariskiä Design Sprintin avulla

here map

Software development, IT ja pelaaminen

Eficoden kehittäjät HEREn apuna sisäpaikannustyökalun toteuttamisessa