How to combine DevOps and cloud to achieve speed, quality, and cost-effectiveness
Organizations successfully using DevOps practices deliver software faster, with higher quality, and gain the ability to spend more of their time working on new features. This means that DevOps improves the business outcomes of those organizations.
Successful cloud adoption brings benefits in regards to scalability, availability, and cost-effectiveness. It also makes the adoption of new technologies and thus innovation and experimentation much easier.
Being successful in these two disciplines results in the business agility companies need to survive. Effectively coupling the two approaches together will reap the benefits of the speed, quality, and efficiency of DevOps with the cost-effectiveness and ability to innovate in cloud.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through:
- How DevOps and cloud support each other
- The cultural shift needed for DevOps and cloud adoption
- Technical practices that should be adopted with DevOps and cloud
- The benefits gained from a cloud & DevOps continuous transformation
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Watch our DevOps explained series
DevOps explained
What is DevOps all about? We will tell you in less than 2 minutes using one of the common definitions: CALMS - Collaboration, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing.
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Shift left
“Shifting left” is a key DevOps concept. It’s all about feedback. But how to implement this practice and why should you care about shifting left?
Johan Abildskov tells you in less than 2 minutes.
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Infrastructure as code
Scaling and deploying environments as you need in a reproducible manner is essential for high performance in IT.
Watch Johan Abildskov explain why infrastructure as code matters in our #DevOpsexplained series.
DevOps helps organizations take full advantage of their cloud capabilities, as it requires a paradigm shift and continuous focus on technical excellence.
Tim Harris
DevOps and Cloud Engineer, Eficode

Podcast: The cloud for developers
More and more IT spending on system infrastructure, infrastructure software, application software, and business process outsourcing will shift from traditional solutions to cloud. And there is an ever-more interesting avenue for cloud, and that is developers themselves. Developers have immense power when they select their preferred tools and platforms.
Listen to Raman Sharma, VP of Product Marketing at Digital Ocean, and Marko Klemetti, CTO at Eficode, to learn more about what a developer-friendly cloud means.
Listen to the podcast episode
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