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    Build quality into your software with test automation

    Continuous quality assurance

    Continuous quality assurance

    Deliver better and faster software

    Research has shown that using DevOps practices, like test automation, lead to higher IT performance and improved business outcomes. Investing in automated testing means lower change failure rate for your software and improved delivery lead times. Early feedback on software quality means you can make sure known problems don’t reappear.

    Test automation is a backstop for quality

    Frequent releases require a quality assurance process that can keep up with the speed of development, from first ideation all the way to production release.  Continuous quality assurance takes strategy, skill, and a great deal of investment in automation. But it’s worth it because it means you can take high quality software to your market quickly and with confidence. 

    Free your experts to do what they’re best at

    Test automation gives developers the peace of mind to make changes without breaking any existing functionality. Quality assurance experts get the time to concentrate on activities that improve the product. And that leads to happy, loyal customers who look forward to software updates and new features.


    Aki Roivanen

    Email Aki

    +358 44 7324 287

    Given half the time goes to testing, test automation saved several months of time in the verification phase.

    GE Healthcare case

    Read the case

    Test automation services

    Test automation proof of concept

    Test automation takes time, but will it pay off? We can demonstrate concrete benefits and added potential for your application.

    Our DevOps and test experts will:

    • Map the most critical test cases of your application and create a comprehensive roadmap for all test automation.
    • Implement critical tests to create a basis for further test automation integrated to a CI server
    • Review the results and best practices with you to continue test automation

    Improve your test automation

    Whether you’re just getting started with test automation or want to take your testing to the next level, we can assist your team.

    Our DevOps and test experts can help you to:

    • Implement test automation strategy throughout your organization
    • Write tests 
    • Implement custom libraries
    • Tackle hard-to-automate problems

    Hand over your quality assurance

    Focus on your core business and leave the test automation to our experts. We’ll take care of all automation of your quality assurance from end to end. We have years of experience and over 100 000 automated test cases.

    Read about Test Automation as a Service

    Grow your testing expertise

    We have trained more than 260 companies. Get hands-on and custom-made workshop sessions for your team, or book a test automation training course from Eficode.

    Learn the world’s favorite automated testing tool

    Quality is not just about test automation

    When you think about continuous quality assurance, you need to have a holistic approach from technical excellence to user experience.


    Continuous Delivery

    Test automation is a part of Continuous Delivery. Plan for the whole CI/CD implementation.
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    Technical agile coaching

    Technical excellence is the key to quality. Discover this unique approach to upskilling your team with hard technical skills.


    Usability testing

    For e-services and interfaces, compromising on usability is not an option. Ensure quality for your end-users.
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    What happens after deployment? Quality thinking in Ops is key. You can delegate this to our managed services teams.
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    The Eficode method

    When it comes to test automation, Robot Framework is often our choice of technology. At Eficode, we have over 10 years of experience working on the Robot Framework core development. We are part of the core development team, one of the founding members of Robot Framework Foundation, and maintainer of several open source projects in the ecosystem.

    Robot framework@2x

    Do DevOps right

    We were doing DevOps before it was a word. We’ve seen DevOps transformations across industries and can advise on best practices for culture and tools that go beyond test automation to involve quality in all of your organization’s activities.

    Test automation isn't just for QA teams

    Test automation is the most cost-effective if it is built at the very beginning of a new project. We believe that a test automation mentality should not be limited to a QA team, as it positively affects development teams too and leads to better business decisions. Without test automation, there is no Continuous Integration and no Continuous Delivery.

    Strengthen your team

    Our consultants become part of your teams. We don’t just deliver, we work alongside your employees as coaches and mentors. We pass on Continuous Delivery practices and guide your team away from manual testing towards a quality first approach.

    Automate your quality assurance with Eficode and deliver better and faster software