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    Online DevOps assessment

    Quickly understand your DevOps capabilities

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    Free online DevOps assessment

    It's not always easy to understand where you are on your DevOps journey. For example, you may have made good progress on the technical side, but still have some cultural challenges. This free assessment is designed to give you an indication of your current situation.

    Understand your current situation - fast

    The online DevOps assessment was created by the experts at Eficode who have been doing DevOps for 15 years. The questions you'll answer build on expertise gained from hundreds of large and small-scale assessment projects conducted by our consultants. Benefit from their expertise and recommendations.


    How it works

    You'll be asked a series of questions about software development in your organization. At the end we'll offer you an analysis of the results, identifying areas of strength but also where you can improve. View sample results here.

    The full online assessment takes between 8-10 minutes.

    Take the test now

    1. Answer the questions

    You'll be presented with 16 statements, to which you're asked to choose between five options, from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. 

    The statements cover a range of themes across culture, processes and structure.

    When you've answered all the questions, you have a chance to review your answers before submitting them.  


    2. Check your score

    Based on the answers you submitted, you'll receive a DevOps assessment score. 

    You'll be told the area where you're strongest, along with where you have the most room for improvement.

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    3. Request more detailed results

    Receive a more detailed breakdown of your results, including suggestions on how you can improve, by using the 'Get more detailed results' section. 

    Enter your email address to receive a more elaborate breakdown in your inbox that you can then share with colleagues. 

    Enter your industry to compare your situation to benchmarks in your industry.

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    4. Book your customized DevOps Assessment

    Once you've established the key areas to look at, it's time to get our experts in. 

    With countless years of experience between them, Eficode's DevOps professionals can help you on the journey to doing DevOps right. 

    Whether that's looking at your DevOps capabilities in detail or conducting a Continuous Delivery assessment, let us know how we can help.

    See our full DevOps assessments
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